هل تريد تتبع الهاتف الخليوي؟ تعرف على هذين التطبيقين المذهلين لتتبع موقع الهاتف الخليوي

As the years go by, technological advancement surprises us more and more with every update and every tool they create that help us to make our lives and doings easier. Nowadays, companies like Android and iOS offer tools that allow us to locate lost devices, these tools are among the اقرأ أكثر…

تطبيقات لقياس نسبة الجلوكوز والسيطرة على مرض السكري عن طريق الهاتف الخليوي

With technology in our favor today it is possible to measure glucose and diabetes by cell phone with the FeeStyle Libre app. The purpose of this app is to identify and control blood sugar itself. Using the app you don’t need to prick your finger to know what your blood اقرأ أكثر…
