Buying and selling motorcycles at auction: how to make a profit?

Published by Mayalu on


If you are thinking about making money by buying and selling motorcycles, know that this is a very promising market. By combining your intentions with the advantages of selling motorcycles at auctions, the scenario can be even better!

But Care and attention must be exercised to ensure profits. There are a series of details that must be evaluated to avoid trouble. With some care, it is not difficult to ensure profit margins — which can be very interesting.

Neste artigo, você vai descobrir que vale a pena investir em leilões e lucrar com a compra e venda de motos. Continue a leitura para entender o que é um leilão de motos  e quais cuidados tomar antes e depois do arremate.


What is a motorcycle auction?

One auction, or public auction, is an event in which participants compete to acquire a good through bids. At the end of the auction, the one who submitted the highest bid will be the bidder and you can take the lot. In the case of a motorcycle auction, the lot is one motorcycle:

  • disposed of due to non-payment of financing;
  • abandoned after seizure;
  • recovered by insurance companies;
  • taken to auction by companies after renewing their fleet;
  • liquidated by construction companies after some damage.

How to profit from buying and selling motorcycles at auction?

Com atenção e cuidado não é difícil evitar deslizes e assegurar excelentes margens de lucro ao arrematar uma moto em leilão. A seguir, confira algumas dicas simples para não ter dor de cabeças após arrematar uma moto.


Make financial planning

First of all, It is essential that you make a good financial planning. There are important points to consider before submitting your bids. After all, no matter how cheap a car at auction may seem in relation to the FIPE table, there are costs that you need to take into account. For example:

  • possible repairs to the vehicle;
  • taxas do leilão;
  • vehicle documentation;
  • vehicle transport;
  • 5% commission to the auctioneer.

Carefully study the auction notice

É preciso ler com muita atenção todas as informações do edital do leilão. This document contains everything you need to know about the auction stages and the conditions of the property. With this measure, you avoid unforeseen events and guarantee the main basis for your decision-making. In the notice, you will find details such as:

  • origin of the motorcycle;
  • condition of the motorcycle;
  • documentation conditions;
  • fines and tax pending issues;
  • payment terms at closing, etc.

Inspect the motorcycle

Um erro que muitos arrematantes cometem e se traumatizam com leilões é não inspecionar a moto antes de enviar os lances. Seja porque participam de um leilão de motos online ou porque confiam no leiloeiro, muitas pessoas arrematam o lote e só depois descobrem que entraram numa fria.

It is very easy to avoid this unpleasantness by paying a visit to the motorcycle location or receiving relevant information that you have done so. Although you cannot start the motorcycle, it is possible to have significant impressions of the true condition of the motorcycle by checking it up close. Additionally, consider:

  • have the company of a mechanic to assess repair costs;
  • check the motorcycle's license plate to find out more about its history;
  • If it is from an insurance company, assess the risks of selling a damaged motorcycle.

As you can see, there are details that you should consider before purchasing a motorcycle at auction. By taking these precautions, it is possible to guarantee great profits and avoid common losses when buying and selling motorcycles.


Gostou de conhecer essas dicas para comprar e vender motos pagando pouco e ganhando muito? A Sato Leilões tem uma longa história de sucesso nesse mercado. Quer nos conhecer mais de perto e descobrir as vantagens que você tem em arrematar seus lotes conosco? Então, entre em contato e esclareça suas dúvidas!


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