How to make money with motorcycle auctions in 2021

Published by Mayalu on


O leilão tem conquistado cada vez mais pessoas quando a questão é investimento e baixo risco. Os leilões são boas oportunidades de retorno financeiro, uma vez que comprar e revender pode ser muito lucrativo, tanto para o compra quanto para o venda. Mas para ganhar dinheiro com leilão, é importante entender algumas coisas.

It could be the way to undertake 

Quando se opta em investir em leilões, não costuma se fazer apenas uma aposta em um simples negócio, mas sim empreender. Assim, comece por criar um balanço das condições atuais da economia.

This is an area that has attracted a lot of people, as it is easy to understand and low risk, so it can be both a complement to current income and a way to undertake and make this your job.


Know the market

Choose your niche, there are several products that are sold at an auction. In motorcycles, for example, it is important to know whether the vehicle is in good condition to be resold.

Antes de fazer a compra, verifique nas informações daquele lote, se possui algum tipo de defeito, avaria séria ou estética. Nesse caso, um item essencial no planejamento do seu investi


mento. Às vezes o gasto com reforma ou manutenção não fazem valer a revenda.

One of the main advantages of the auction market is the lot prices, which are generally well below the market price of the products. In the case of motorcycles, a lot may have a value of half the value of purchasing a new or pre-owned motorcycle, according to values established by the FIPE Table (Fundação Instituto de Pesquisas Econômicas).

The same can happen with a property auction. With good planning, knowledge of the real estate market and assessment of the region where the property is located, it is possible to have a good income.

Uma das formas comuns no investimento desse tipo de produto, é a compra de um imóvel com 50% ou até mais desconto do valor de mercado do bem, e ainda vender abaixo do valor, gerando uma saída rápida, sem a necessidade de pagamento de condomínio, IPTU, e outros possíveis gastos com o apartamento.

To begin with, a certain amount of working capital is required, considering that the goods are purchased at a price below the market. It is possible to start with cheaper goods, with auctions for computers, cell phones, goods from the Federal Revenue Service, the Federal Police, among others.


Starting with lower cost products is also ideal to gradually increase your capital to acquire larger goods and resell them, according to your expectations or intentions.

 How to start your investment without leaving home

To participate in an auction held on the web, it is necessary to register on the event's intermediary platform. At this point, you must provide data such as:

  • Full name; 
  • Email and other contact information;
  • General Registry (RG);
  • Individual Taxpayer Registry (CPF).

Even after your registration has been approved, it is still not possible to participate in the auctions, as you must go through a second step which consists of qualification. Fortunately, this process is very simple and quick. Simply log in to the registered platform, choose the auction you want to participate in and the lot of interest. 

It is worth noting that, generally, you need to qualify each time you want to participate in the auction of a different good and that each auction has specific rules, so pay attention to the notices and information available on the website.



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