Bolsa Família: Find out how to check through the app

Published by Jessica on


How to check Bolsa Família through the app

It's very likely that you've heard about the Bolsa Família Program, through which thousands of Brazilian families emerged from extreme poverty and received the right to health, education and income assistance.

And for those who are already part of this Federal Government program, did you know that it is possible to check the Bolsa Família balance through the Caixa app? Through the Caixa Tem app, you can find out what the next benefit deposit dates will be, for example.


But before we explain the application, find out a little about the Bolsa Família program, how it works, how to register and which families are entitled to access this benefit.

About Bolsa Família


Bolsa Família is a Federal Government program established during the Lula Government and became a right for many Brazilians belonging to low-income families. The objective of the program is to transfer income to families in situations of poverty and extreme poverty.

Since it became law in 2004, it has helped many Brazilian families, mainly to combat hunger, facilitate access to public services, the right to health, education and social assistance.

Families in poverty are entitled to assistance from Bolsa Família. But they need to have an income of up to R$ 89.00 per person for families in extreme poverty and with an income of up to R$ 178.00 in poverty.

To register for Bolsa Família, you must contact the sector responsible for the program in your municipality. The Social Assistance Reference Center (CRAS) generally carries out this registration in some regions.

After that, you must bring the CPF of a person responsible for the family, as well as proof of income and identification documents for all family members to check whether the income is compatible with the prerequisites to participate in the program.


How to check the Bolsa Família balance through the app?

For those who are already registered with the Bolsa Família Program, it is possible to check the balance through the Caixa Tem application, available for Android and iOS. To access the application, you must provide the CPF and NIS of the Bolsa Família card.

The full name of the person responsible for the family who registered for Bolsa Família will then appear. Afterwards, a table will be available with the amounts already withdrawn and future payment schedules.

You can check the balance in the top corner of the application, where the “Show Balance” option appears, where you can check whether the benefit has already been deposited.


In addition, the app also has a calendar of future payments, where the installment amounts will be available according to the NIS number of the Bolsa Família card.

For example, NIS from 0 to 9 with final numbers from 0 to 9, receive in the months of December. Likewise, the final NIS numbers from 1 to 5 receive the benefit in the months of February and March.


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