Aplicaciones que rastrean otros dispositivos

Publicado por Carolina en


If you have ever felt that desperation of reaching into your pocket and not feeling your cell phone, you will be very happy with this article today where we will talk about cell phone trackers.

Technology allows us several things that make our lives much easier. It would be no different to help find our beloved cell phones or even other devices.

We will talk about the applications that allow you to track a device remotely. Check it out.


Applications that track another device

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There are several apps on the market capable of tracking devices even over long distances, such as cell phones, tablets, computers, and watches.

In general, these applications use GPS technology and can track calls and text messages, record incoming and outgoing calls, access the camera, if the device has one, and can even access and monitor social networks logged into the tracked device.


We have listed the three best apps for tracking cell phones and other devices.

Encontrar mi dispositivo

The first app, Find My Device, allows the user to track another device, lock the device and even wipe the entire memory, not allowing them to access your files and data.

It is important to know that after wiping the device, it will no longer be possible to locate it. The application also allows you to view the network status of the tracked device and its battery status.

Find My Device is available for Androide sistemas.


The Glympse app allows the user to track a device and access the full location history, as well as allowing the user to see the device ID, with just a few clicks.


It allows the user to have the exact, accurate, real-time location of the tracked device and can follow it on the map.

The Glympse app can be found for download on iOS, Androide, y ventanas. It can be used on a cell phone or on a PRAÇA.


Our last app, mSpy, can track all the device’s activities as well as its location in real-time.

Even without ever having access to the device you wish to track, you will be able to locate it via GPS technology.


The mSpy app allows it to be configured in several languages, so it is used in many countries around the world.

It allows more than one device to be tracked at the same time, even if they are in totally distant places.

With the free plan, the application offers its main function: tracking a device. The Premium plan comes with some other features that can help you track your phone or another device.

mSpy is available for iOS.

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