Find out how to check RENAVAM for your car by license plate

Published by Jessica on

Find out how to check your car's RENAVAM by license plate number.


It is always necessary to check whether your RENAVAM is correct and has no delays. This is because when you are stopped in a traffic stop or even when purchasing a car, you must present yours and it must be up to date.

See how it works and how to check this record just using the vehicle's license plate, check it out!

Find out what RENAVAM is and how to consult the sign

O RENAVAM is a system created by Serpro for vehicle registration in Brazil, done through DETRAN of each region and centralized by the unit Denatran.


Your number RENAVAM can be found on a vehicle registration document. If the driver is stopped in a traffic stop, for example, he must present this document and his driver's license so that it can be verified.

With this code in hand, it is possible to consult almost all of a vehicle's data, such as fines and pending issues, as well as consult the IPVA, DPVAT, registration, changes of ownership and all physical details of a vehicle.


It can be considered the CPF, ID and birth certificate of a vehicle, with all its owners and fines already received in its history.

How can I consult RENAVAM using the license plate?

To consult it, visit the website DETRAN in your region and enter your details on a form. Remembering that only the vehicle owner has access and can answer all the required questions.

Also, you need to access the website, provide the vehicle data and then select the option “Consult” to gain access to all data on the RENAVAM.

Through a consultation with the RENAVAM through the plate, it is also possible to issue payment fees for the IPVA and licensing of DPVAT.

After registering on the website, enter your vehicle's license plate data to consult the RENAVAM and have access to practically all information about a car or motorcycle.


For more information, visit the website of DETRAN in your region or contact this department by phone.


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