Tips for Protecting and Recovering your WhatsApp in Case of Invasion

Published by Carolina on


In today's digital landscape, keeping our personal information secure is more crucial than ever.

With growing concerns around online privacy, it is essential to protect our messaging app accounts from unwanted intrusions.

Fortunately, the new WhatsApp update brings with it additional security measures.


But it is essential that users take a proactive role in protecting their accounts.

In today's article, we bring you a step-by-step guide to prevent your WhatsApp from being hacked.


And how to guarantee the recovery of your account, even in cases of intrusion.

Check and Update Your WhatsApp Regularly

The first step to keeping your WhatsApp account secure is to ensure you are using the latest version of the application.

Frequent updates don't just bring new features.

But also fix possible security holes that attackers could exploit.

To check if you are using the latest version, go to your device's app store.


Then look for available updates for the Whatsapp.

Always make sure to keep your app updated to benefit from the latest security measures.

Add an Email Address to Your Account

In addition to keeping WhatsApp updated, it is crucial associate an email address with your account.

This additional security step can be easily accomplished by following these steps:

  1. Open WhatsApp and go to settings.
  2. Select “Account” and then “Email Address”.
  3. Enter your email address and confirm.

By adding an email address to your WhatsApp account, you will strengthen its security.

And ensuring an alternative way to regain access to your account if it is compromised.

Recover Your Account with Ease

If your WhatsApp account is hacked, having an email address associated with your account will make the much simpler recovery process.

When accessing the “Forgot your password?” or “Can’t access your account?” on the login screen you will be directed.

You can then recover your account via email.

This means that even if an attacker gains access to your mobile number, you can still successfully recover your account.


The new WhatsApp update brings with it additional security measures to protect your account against intrusions.

However, it is critical that users take responsibility for ensuring the security of their own accounts.

It's important to regularly check for app updates and add an email address to your account.

So, you will be strengthening your digital security and ensuring the protection of your personal information.

Stay safe and secure while enjoying the convenience of WhatsApp.


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