How to Create Music from Scratch with Artificial Intelligence

Published by Carolina on

Learn how to create music from scratch with Artificial Intelligence.


Music has been a fundamental artistic and cultural expression in the history of humanity.

With the evolution of technology, artificial intelligence has brought a revolution in the way we create music.

Now, it is possible compose songs from scratch with the assistance of AI.


Today we will explore how you can create music with the help of artificial intelligence.

Check out the step by step below.


Choose the Right AI Tool

The first step to creating music with artificial intelligence is choosing the right tool.

There are several options available such as Magenta, Amper Music, and AIVA.

Each with its own characteristics and functionalities.

Research and choose the one that best suits your needs and level of experience.

Feed AI with Initial Data

Once you've selected a tool, it's time to feed it initial data.


This may include melodies, chords, rhythms or even lyrics.

The more information you provide to the AI, the more accurate the final composition will be.

Configure Parameters and Style

Most AI tools allow you to configure parameters and set the desired style for the song.

You can:

  • Choose between musical genres;
  • Change the tempo;
  • Set the tone;
  • Specify the complexity of the composition.

These settings will help customize the music according to your preferences.

Collaborate with AI

Artificial intelligence is not a complete replacement for human creativity; It's a collaboration.

As the AI generates compositions, you can interact with it, making adjustments and refinements.

This allows you to maintain creative control over the music.

Edit and Perfect

After receiving suggestions from the AI, it's time to edit and perfect the composition.

Add personal elements, make adjustments to the melody and try different arrangements.

Also, if necessary, insert lyrics or vocals.

Export the Created Music

When you are satisfied with the composition, export it to a audio or MIDI format.

This will allow you to share the song or use it in broader music projects.

Perform Continuous Learning

Creating music with artificial intelligence is a constantly evolving process.

Keep feeding the AI with new data.

Try different styles and explore the creative possibilities this technology offers.

The more you use AI, the more refined your ability to create original music.

In conclusion, artificial intelligence has opened new horizons in music composition.

Allowing even beginners to create music from scratch.

Follow this step-by-step guide and explore the possibilities of AI.

You can unlock your musical creativity and create unique and captivating compositions.

Take advantage of the AI-assisted music revolution and start create your own music today.


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