What is the best pregnancy test app?

Published by Carolina on


If you are feeling nauseous, tired and have had a missed period, and are in a possible condition of being pregnant, the question may be leaving you in doubt.

Anxiety increases even more if at the moment you cannot access a pharmacy test or go to a doctor for more professional guidance.

At that moment, a mobile app can help you with this.


Online Pregnancy Test

See too:

There are two online options for you to take a pregnancy test and get more guidance: the online test and the app.

The online test consists of a yes or no questionnaire where the first signs of pregnancy are presented, and if the majority are yes, the chances of pregnancy increase.


How to take the online pregnancy test?

You quizzes of pregnancy on websites usually present the following questions:

  1. Is your period late?
  2. Did you feel tired, dizzy or sleepy?
  3. Have you noticed that your breasts are more swollen and painful than usual?
  4. Have you noticed any aversions to strong odors?
  5. Have you felt sick and wanted to vomit, especially in the morning?
  6. Have you noticed changes in mood for no apparent reason?
  7. Has your appetite increased?
  8. Have you ever had cravings for specific foods?
  9. Have you been experiencing headaches?
  10. Have you noticed any pinkish discharge?
  11. Do you have cramps or abdominal pain?
  12. Have you noticed any appearance or intensification of acne?

pregnancy app

As for pregnancy test apps, they usually bring the first signs of pregnancy, where you can answer your questions and get guidance on the next steps and even follow-up during pregnancy.

We brought you an application that is very popular and one of the most famous in this regard:

Teste de Gravidez Online Guia

O aplicativo Teste de Gravidez Online Guia é uma ferramenta confiável e acessível para mulheres que buscam informações precisas sobre a gravidez.

Com uma interface intuitiva, oferece orientações detalhadas sobre os diferentes tipos de testes de gravidez disponíveis, esclarecendo dúvidas comuns e fornecendo instruções passo a passo para realização correta dos testes em casa.


Além disso, o aplicativo conta com um calendário menstrual integrado, auxiliando no acompanhamento do ciclo e identificação de possíveis períodos férteis.

Sua abordagem informativa e objetiva torna o processo de entender os resultados dos testes uma tarefa simplificada, oferecendo apoio e informação relevante para as usuárias.

Com atualizações regulares baseadas em evidências médicas, o aplicativo se destaca por sua precisão e confiabilidade, proporcionando às mulheres uma fonte de consulta confiável durante essa fase importante da vida.

Com o Teste de Gravidez Online Guia, as usuárias podem se sentir seguras e bem-informadas ao tomar decisões sobre sua saúde reprodutiva.



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