The best pregnancy test apps

Published by Carolina on


Is there a possibility of being pregnant? Are you feeling nauseous, tired and have a missed period? Yes, it looks like pregnancy. But how to be sure?

If you want to find out if you are pregnant, but cannot currently go to a pharmacy to buy a pregnancy test or go to the doctor, online tests pregnancy are a great option.

But remember, in the case of an affirmative test result, seek medical advice.


Online pregnancy tests

See too:

Most online pregnancy tests present questionnaires with questions that bring the first signs of pregnancy.

However, not all women present these signs, which reinforces the need to go to the doctor for a more accurate assessment and necessary care.


How to take an online pregnancy test?

Online pregnancy tests ask yes or no questions related to the first signs of pregnancy, and if the majority of answers are positive, the chances of being pregnant are high.

Common Questions in online pregnancy tests:

  1. Is your period late?
  2. Did you feel tired, dizzy or sleepy?
  3. Have you noticed that your breasts are more swollen and painful than usual?
  4. Have you noticed any aversions to strong odors?
  5. Have you felt sick and wanted to vomit, especially in the morning?
  6. Have you noticed changes in mood for no apparent reason?
  7. Has your appetite increased?
  8. Have you ever had cravings for specific foods?
  9. Have you been experiencing headaches?
  10. Have you noticed any pinkish discharge?
  11. Do you have cramps or abdominal pain?
  12. Have you noticed any appearance or intensification of acne?

Below, we bring you two pregnancy tests that can be taken online for free:


This site presents a pregnancy quiz composed of 15 questions, which will help you resolve your doubts and give you better guidance.

On the website you can also find physical pregnancy and ovulation tests to purchase, as well as other related products and articles for better guidance.



This is a brand of maternity products. On its website, Clearblue offers a questionnaire with 8 yes or no questions to help you find out if you are pregnant.

The website also provides a ovulation test, possibility of monitoring ovulation and the menstrual cycle and guidance on getting pregnant when the person has any difficulties in this regard.


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