Aplikasi gratis untuk mengukur tekanan

A free pressure-measuring app is gaining attention among pressure sufferers for its interesting uses. This app works with pre-provided data, and monitors and measures blood pressure. A great application will be indicated in this article, to measure your blood pressure through your cell phone, for free and without leaving home. What is hypertension and what are its symptoms? Hypertension occurs when blood pressure rises. The measurement of blood pressure takes into account the amount of Baca selengkapnya…

Aplikasi untuk menghitung vitamin D dalam tubuh

Recentemente, um número de pesquisas vem mostrando vantagens do consumo da vitamina D, que estaria relacionada à saúde do coração, osso, músculos, e outras partes do corpo. Existem dois jeitos de conseguir as quantidades indicadas: através da alimentação e do sol,mas nem sempre que é possível medir se você está conseguindo alcançar os níveis apropriados. Para auxiliar nessa tarefa, existem apps, será que é confiavel?Os pesquisadores da Universidade Guelph, no Canadá, realizaram uma pesquisa do Baca selengkapnya…

Aplikasi menunjukkan jumlah vitamin D dalam tubuh

Ultimamente, um bom número de estudos vem mostrando vantagens do consumo da vitamina D, que estaria relacionada à saúde do coração, osso, músculos, e outras partes do corpo. Mas chegar aos níveis apropriados é um pouco difícil. Você sabe como medir a vitamina D? Existem dois jeitos de conseguir as quantidades indicadas: através da alimentação e do sol,mas não é sempre que é possível medir se você está conseguindo alcançar os níveis apropriados. Para ajudar Baca selengkapnya…

Aplikasi untuk mengukur vitamin D dalam tubuh

A pandemia de covid-19 gerou discussões sobre a importância da vitamina D além da saúde óssea. O nível desse componente imunológico está diretamente relacionado à função do sistema. Aqueles que precisam regulá-lo no corpo normalmente recorrem a suplementos feitos em laboratório. Mas uma técnica patenteada por pesquisadores pode reduzir a necessidade de administração oral. O professor Petrus Santa Cruz, do Departamento de Química Básica da UFPE (Universidade Federal de Pernambuco), criou um aparelho que mede os níveis Baca selengkapnya…

Aplikasi untuk mengukur tekanan darah Anda dari ponsel Anda

Learn how to use an application to measure blood pressure using your cell phone. Nowadays, cell phones are increasingly modern and contributing to the health of the general population. Based on this, people who suffer from high blood pressure can now rely on some apps to help and track their blood pressure. Nowadays it is also possible to monitor systolic and diastolic blood pressure using a cell phone. See how to measure blood pressure with Baca selengkapnya…

Download Aplikasi untuk Mengukur Tekanan

This novelty has been helping people’s lives, especially for those who suffer with falling or rising blood pressure on a daily basis and need to measure their blood pressure via cell phone. Due to the progress and advancement of technology, it is now easier and faster to measure your blood pressure. Just press your finger on the phone’s camera for a few seconds. This way, the results will be shown directly in the app. We Baca selengkapnya…

Bagaimana tekanan darah Anda?

With the use of technology, people’s lives are getting easier, especially for people who suffer from falling or rising blood pressure on a daily basis and need to measure their blood pressure frequently on a cell phone. Due to the creation and advancement of technology, it is now easier and faster to measure your stress. Just press your finger on the phone’s camera for a few seconds and check the results obtained through the app. Baca selengkapnya…

Aplikasi Pengukuran Tekanan Darah di Rumah

Many users are using the pressure gauge through their cell phone, so if you suffer from hypertension these apps can guide you to control and monitor your blood pressure. It is important to frequently monitor your systolic and diastolic blood pressure. That way, you can still avoid future heart problems. To measure your blood pressure, simply press your finger on the phone’s camera. After a few seconds the results will appear on the application’s screen. Baca selengkapnya…

Aplikasi untuk pengukuran tekanan

We know how important it is to take care of our health and with the options of apps to measure blood pressure this mission becomes simpler and faster. With apps, they help you keep track of your blood pressure. Thus, they allow you to record your blood pressure data and have more effective control over the measurements. This monitoring is essential to identify complications of hypertension. Because it is a silent disease, the surest way Baca selengkapnya…

Unduh aplikasi untuk mengukur tekanan

Esta novedad ha ayudado a la vida de las personas, especialmente a las que sufren a diario la bajada o subida de la tensión arterial y necesitan medirla a través del teléfono móvil. Gracias al progreso y al avance de la tecnología, hoy en día es más fácil y rápido medir la presión arterial. Sólo tienes que pulsar con el dedo la cámara del teléfono durante unos segundos. De este modo, los resultados se mostrarán Baca selengkapnya…
