iOS apps that help you sleep better

Published by Carolina on


It is important for our body to have a rest night, going through the various phases of the sleep cycle. However, due to external factors and factors specific to the person's physical and mental health, this sleep is not always done correctly.

Insomnia is a problem that affects many people, which over time leads to various health problems and accumulates stress.

Some applications, however, can help sleep better. Check out.


Apps that help you sleep

See too:

We've brought you three great apps that will help you get a better night's sleep. See below:

Sleep Sounds Lite

The Sleep Sounds Lite app features several sounds that help you fall asleep, such as binaural sounds and noises. It also has a timer to automatically turn off after a time determined by the user. Additionally, it contains a built-in alarm clock.


Among the sounds in the application are:

  • White noise;
  • Pink noise;
  • Music Box;
  • Cat purring;
  • Stream;
  • Forest sounds;
  • Bonfire;
  • Rain;
  • Thunder;
  • Sea;
  • Wind;
  • Binaural sounds at various frequencies;
  • Between others.

Ruído Branco para Dormir Bebe

O segundo aplicativo oferece uma solução tranquila para pais em busca de noites serenas para seus pequenos.

Com uma variedade de sons relaxantes, como chuva suave, ruído do oceano e até mesmo sons do útero materno, este app foi projetado para criar um ambiente acolhedor e propício ao sono profundo dos bebês.

Sua interface simples e intuitiva permite aos pais selecionar facilmente os sons desejados e ajustar a intensidade, proporcionando uma experiência personalizada para atender às necessidades específicas de cada bebê.

Além disso, a função de temporizador oferece a conveniência de programar o desligamento automático, permitindo que os bebês adormeçam suavemente e permaneçam descansados durante a noite.


Com o Ruído Branco para Dormir Bebê, os pais podem desfrutar de noites mais tranquilas, enquanto os pequenos aproveitam um sono relaxante e reparador.

Intellibed Sleep Genius

The latest application features technology developed directly by neuroscientists from NASA to help your astronauts sleep.

Those neuroscientists, who understand well-being and music therapy, discovered, through research, that the vestibular system (inner ear), helps, in addition to maintaining balance, to fall asleep when agitated. This would explain why we sleep easier when traveling or why a baby sleeps when its mother shakes it.

The sounds developed for this application create an imbalance in the vestibular system, but don't worry, it's natural. Thus, the brain thinks it is moving, rocking, and relaxes, falling asleep.


The app pairs with other devices, such as a smart mattress, and cannot be used separately.

Test these apps and tell us what the results were like. Don't forget to to share also with people who you know have difficulty falling asleep.


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